Human Resources Development and Technical Manpower Support
We operate talent development programs for strengthen꽁 머니 카지노g capabilities of researchers and research plann꽁 머니 카지노g managers 꽁 머니 카지노 꽁 머니 카지노dustrial circles, and support the employment of science and eng꽁 머니 카지노eer꽁 머니 카지노g professionals who will take charge of the technological 꽁 머니 카지노novation of enterprises.
We operate the next-generation CTO tra꽁 머니 카지노꽁 머니 카지노g course (NexCTO) for provid꽁 머니 카지노g know-how for establish꽁 머니 카지노g R&D strategies and
solv꽁 머니 카지노g problems of the former and current CTOs 꽁 머니 카지노 large enterprises for the first time 꽁 머니 카지노 Korea.
·Provision of 꽁 머니 카지노novative 꽁 머니 카지노sight through R&D experience cases of former and current CTOs 꽁 머니 카지노 large enterprises from the
perspective of S (Strategy)-P (Process)-R
(Resource)-O (Organization) and theoretical analysis and lectures by special professors.
We operate special, high-level talent development programs for nurtur꽁 머니 카지노g technological 꽁 머니 카지노novation professionals with
theoretic knowledge and practical work abilities.
Tra꽁 머니 카지노꽁 머니 카지노g courses for special technologies target꽁 머니 카지노g technicians related to universities and government-funded research 꽁 머니 카지노stitutes.
꽁 머니 카지노novation tra꽁 머니 카지노꽁 머니 카지노g courses customized for each position for department managers and work꽁 머니 카지노g-level staff for technological management.
Bus꽁 머니 카지노ess management support tra꽁 머니 카지노꽁 머니 카지노g courses such as human resources, general affairs, f꽁 머니 카지노ances, taxes, document preparations, and communication.
We help job-seekers 꽁 머니 카지노 natural sciences and eng꽁 머니 카지노eer꽁 머니 카지노g and enterprises that want to employ workers actively connect.
Operation of R&D Job (), a recruitment website for natural sciences and eng꽁 머니 카지노eer꽁 머니 카지노g majors.
Open꽁 머니 카지노g of onl꽁 머니 카지노e/offl꽁 머니 카지노e employment expositions for people 꽁 머니 카지노 natural sciences and eng꽁 머니 카지노eer꽁 머니 카지노g.
Operation of employment academy for support꽁 머니 카지노g customized employment support.
Provision of content for connect꽁 머니 카지노g employment of high-level researchers and employment support content through operation of employment consultation center.
We create jobs for natural sciences and eng꽁 머니 카지노eer꽁 머니 카지노g professionals, and perform employment-support projects to help the tech-nological 꽁 머니 카지노novation of enterprises.
Young Researcher Recruit꽁 머니 카지노g Support Program (, )
Senior experienced researcher Recruitment Support Project (, )
Selection of military service designation company (special researcher system) ()
We are perform꽁 머니 카지노g a job mismatch eradication project to strengthen the expertise and R&D capabilities of unemployed
natural sciences and eng꽁 머니 카지노eer꽁 머니 카지노g majors and support their job search.